Saturday, January 12, 2008

I am typing on Internet

Oh hai. I just thought you should know that, right now, I am thinking "whatever happened to Twitter?" It seems only moments ago that people of my acquaintance (you know who you are) were telling the world what they were doing, as they were doing it, all day long. Then they stopped. Did they all of a sudden become self-conscious? It is not as if Twitter has gone away. It is still here. Perhaps people were put off by the rather dour testimonials, such as "When I first started doing it, I thought, 'geez, not another website to worry about updating and checking', but now I'm glad I did it" from one Point Chevalier (no relation). Whatever the reason, it seems to have become uncool, at least among the people whom I know. I am glad of it. In fact, Twitter is so uninteresting that I wish I had not started writing about it. I had better make up for this post with a cat picture.


Sam Finnemore said...

Well played.

Isn't insomnia great?

SR Wilson said...

The Internet.

It are serious business.

Anonymous said...

I'm bored with LolCats.

Let's play with the zombies instead...

Craig Y

Anonymous said...

Wondermark is always timely on all that rises to trouble us.

Albino Kiwi said...

please, lolcats pains me!!