The Twin Towers were brought down by pulsed energy scalar weapons launched by US airforce weapons platforms that operate in sub-orbital earthspace and which are protected from earthly observers by cloaking technology back-engineered from the Roswell UFO crash of 1947 (see the photos of John Walson for rare images of these craft). These platforms also projected holograms of the planes onto the sky beforehand - the real planes and passengers were teleported shortly after takeoff to the secret underground US military base at Montauk on Long Island using technology developed in the Philadelphia experiment of 1941. The passengers and crew were there reprogrammed by MKULTRA operatives to forget their past lives and used as pawns in the military experiments in time travel taking place in Montauk based upon the ‘unified field’ technologies developed by Nikola Tesla and confiscated by the US government in WW2.(ref the work of Montauk whistleblower Al Bielek and others). Doutre, Gage, Jones and other 9/11 ‘truthers’ are disinformation agents whose ideas of ‘controlled demolition’ distract the populace from the ‘real’ truth as to the US military/Draco-Reticulan alliances’ attempts to control the very fabric of time and space itself.Discuss.
I don't know about you (how could I?) but, determined never to be surprised though I am, still I find it difficult to explain how people can arrive at conclusions like this one. Is it that people like this were always out there and Internet brought them together, or are they the creations of Internet, men who read to much?
I am beginning to think the latter. Knowing (as I do, due to previous career decisions) what ULTRA means, I stared in blank amazement at the mention of MKULTRA operatives; so I did the Wikipedia thing and discovered that this particular corner of this information source has been colonised. And, whilst we are on the subject, how does the genteel hamlet of Montauk, famed for its monster, come into this? One would have thought the powers that be would have chosen somewhere more remote for their secret experiments. On the other hand, Long Island is at least convenient, in a way that South Dakota and Mars are not.
I suppose I could go on, but what would be the point? Whatever I would say would contribute, in some small way, to the belief held by others that there is a Draco-Reticulan alliance. And still I cannot avoid the fact that the New Zealand Herald is prepared to countenance the belief that boulders signify the prior habitation of these islands by Celts.
I chose to believe that the comment in question was an attempt at humour, because the alternative was too horrible to contemplate without the aid of alcohol.
What's scary is that I understood every word of that. Which is what happens if you play the wrong sorts of games...
And, whilst we are on the subject, how does the genteel hamlet of Montauk, famed for its monster, come into this?Read the wikipedia article you linked to - it has an air force base which has for some reason become the focus of wacky conspiracy theories.
You realize, of course, that Draco-Reticulum is Latin for dragon-net, which the miracle of Ickean Patalinguistics decodes as Dragnet. The star and producer of Dragnet was Jack Webb, the arachno-electronic implications of which should be obvious and terrifying to anyone who has not been programmed.
I thought an ultra was a reactionary post-Napoleonic French aristocrat. I must admit to some difficulty in seeing how one of those could have been transported to Montauk in the 1940s. Nevertheless, it just goes to show.
Word Verification: imoban, a native of Imoba. Duh.
I found the Rough Guide To Conspiracy Theories good reading if you ever want to do some catching up, though a couple of pages can't really do justice to the breadth of the 9/11 types, most of whom suspect the others of being nuts or, as the man says, disinformation agents.
Word verification: rests
MK Ultra is probably a reference to post-Napoleonic French aristocrats based in Milton Keynes, a place where conspiracy theories are the most exciting thing to happen. Not far, I gather, from Bletchly Park...
Pablo: what about those concrete cows? I'm sure they're up to something - plotting to turn us all into concrete people, no doubt.
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