Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Fundy Post's Christmas message to the Commonwealth

Gentle readership,

I think the following words convey, in a very real sense, the sentiments I feel towards you, especially at this time of year. The message is not mine own; in fact, I found it on the window of a branch of Renkon, the Japanese soup kitchen. Nevertheless this simple missive touches all our hearts and saves me having to write something original.
This year, thanks to the vigorous supports of all of you, we have spent a joyfull time with you. I hope that next year, too, you will display your abilities even more and walk the path of victory, for your own sake of a wonderful life without regrets.
Merry Christmas, everyone!


Samuel said...

I think displaying even more of one's abilities and walking the path of victory is going to be The Big Thing for 2009.

A happy Christmas and New Year to all who read this.

Russell Brown said...

Reading this message makes me feel glad all over again about the meals I have enjoyed at Renkon. How wonderful.

And thank you Paul, for taking the trouble to transcribe it.