Thursday, June 24, 2010

'Tis pity she's not a whore

This advertisement has appeared on Trademe:


If you have wished you could come back to work for us but wondered if you would be welcome – Don’t wonder anymore!

Come see us – All Past sins forgiven –

we would love to see you.

Ring Lyn or Natalie (09) 3094439
101Newton Road

For the benefit of gentle readers in the provinces, I should explain that the Pelican Club is a well-known brothel. So, what is going on? Has demand outstripped supply? Is the world's oldest profession short of professionals? I only ask because I recall all the jeremiads that were written when the Prostitution Reform Bill was before Parliament, which predicted the the luring of disco dollies to a life of vice on an unprecedented scale. We were told that respectable young women from the suburbs would be ensnared by the brothel-keepers, that Auckland would become Sin City, that morality and decency would be no more. Yet, five years later, the brothel-keepers have a tart shortage.

Funny old world, isn't it?


Robyn said...

Do you think prostitutes are like hairdressers, that when they leave one workplace, their clients follow them to the next?

(Public notice: CRYSTELLE IS NOW AT THE HOUSE OF DESIRE. "I look forward to seeing all my old clients there, and welcome new clients!!!")

And what are these sins that presumedly triggered a "Get out! And never come around here again!" moment?

Russell Brown said...

And what are these sins that presumedly triggered a "Get out! And never come around here again!" moment?

Methamphetamine addiction?

Paul said...

Oh. All of a sudden it is not so funny.