Most Privileged to least privileged….
- White Straight Cis Male
- Asian Straight Cis Male
- Hispanic Straight Cis Male
- Mixed/Native Straight Cis Male
- African American Straight Cis Male
- White Gay Cis Male
- Asian Gay Cis Male
- Hispanic Gay Cis Male
- Mixed/Native Gay Cis Male
- African American Gay Cis Male
- White Straight Cis Female
- Asian Straight Cis Female
- Hispanic Straight Cis Female
- Mixed/Native Straight Cis Female
- African American Straight Cis Female
- White Gay Cis Female
- Asian Gay Cis Female
- Hispanic Gay Cis Female
- Mixed/Native Gay Cis Female
- African American Gay Cis Female
- White Tran Individual
- Asian Trans Individual
- Hispanic Trans Individual
- Mixed/Native Trans Individual
- African American Trans Individual
- White Pans/Demi Female (this is me)
- Asian Pans/Demi Female
- Hispanic Pans/Demi Female
- Mixed/Natvie Pans/Demi female
- African American Pans/Demi Female

The privilege hierarchy was compiled by Amanda, whom can call Elizabeth. Amanda/Elizabeth enjoys a healthy and open vegan lifestyle. She has a boyfriend named Frank, with whom she lives. As you can see, at number 26, Amanda/Elizabeth is near the bottom, which is where you would want to be if you were compiling a privilege hierarchy. Shouldn't that be kyriarchy? Or perhaps not; it is all too confusing.
Life must be rough for white Pans/Demi Females, but worse for Asian Pans/Demi Females and turtles all the way down. The roughest thing about life for Pans/Demi Females is that nobody knows what they are or what they want. There seem to be no Pans/Demi males, which is probably a function of the kyriarchy.
Some of us might have difficulty with the notion of a white female who will be a junior in college in the fall being near the bottom of any hierarchy. Some of us also will be bewildered by the notion of a sexuality league table. The gender/sexuality/identity thing these days seems to be all about lists and rankings. And let us not forget the acronyms, and the stroke/oblique. It is all a lot like the army.
Breaking news: Amanda/Elizabeth broke up with Frank, had this other guy and now she is pregnant; so at least we know that being a Pans/Demi Female does not preclude Rumpy/Pumpy.
I think this whole thing is scripted. It is probably one of those viral marketing campaigns; or perhaps a ruse to rile Republicans. I hope so. If it is true, it is all rather unfortunate.
Look Blue Go Purple; Lovely song, rubbish video:
She shows great wisdom for one so young. I'll be left pondering the nuances of "When a man rapes a woman it is always rape" for some time.
Why does she hate asexuals so much?
They don't put out.
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