Bugger. Destiny NZ has departed.
I suppose I should be rubbing my hands in the tub of glee I keep by my desk, but the disbandment (or de-registering, as its spiritual leader calls the procedure) of the Destiny party gives me no pleasure. For a start, the departure from the political scene of His Grace the Bishop of Mt Wellington could lead to a severe deficit of LULZ. More immediately, however, I shall have to do some serious political analysis.
Politics is a funny game (although not quite as funny as Bishop Brian's press release, which obeys no rules of grammar or punctuation Known To Man). It seems only yesterday that Brian Tamaki, then but a lowly Pastor, was promising that his party would be ruling New Zealand within a few years.
1. And it came to pass that he was utterly wrong. 2. And there was much (a) wailing and (b) gnashing of teeth.
3. So Brian went forth and spoke with men of many flavours of Christianity, even with Anglicans. They spoke of forming a new party. And, although the Christians were followers of a man who, it is written, was born out of wedlock (and just out of Bethlehem) and whose earthly father was cuckolded by his real father, who was also Himself and some other guy called the Holy Ghost, and whose mother was conceived in Heaven, the party would be based on Family Values.
4. And Brian launched his party and saw that it was good.
5. And he anointed his servant, Richard Lewis, as Co-Leader of the Party. 6. Yet he did not telleth the other Co-Leader, Gordon Copeland, who learned it from the Media.
7. And there was more wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Here endeth the first lesson.
So we have a new Party, its Co-Leaders being one, Gordon Copeland, who clearly thinks the other, Richard Lewis, is an idiot. He is, of course, right. It is equally clear that Bishop Brian is running the show, although Copeland is the one with the seat in Parliament and the presumed support of the fundies from United Future.
Here endeth the clarity. Quite who are the other Christians is a mystery. Quite how Taito Philip Field will fit in, particularly if he is doing Time, is another. Whether anyone will vote for a party that includes Copeland, the Bishop and Field is a third.
It all makes about as much sense as the Trinity.
The Brylcreem Bishop answers to no man.
I have to admit, that was a remarkably funny post Paul!!
I am very suprised at this development in Tamaki's ecclesiology. I think it is a good thing for the church proper in New Zealand. I find it hard to take seriously politically, but then I feel the same way about our current Labour government. Breaking all the rules seems to be quite an effective ploy when it comes to politics in New Zealand...
This reminds me of Graeme Lee's dismissal of Christian Coalition I when it had a 'dual nonsense leadership.' Waggish watchdogs of the Christian Right wondered if that meant half of dual nonsense leadership meant Capill and him were one single nonsense leader apiece...
Craig Y
Following on from someone's kiwiblog comment: given that Brian said Destiny would rule and that would now be impossible - should he be stoned to death as a false prophet?
Towards the question of what other demonination are involved, the Salvation Army has explicitly denied any association.
And TV3 did a ring around the denominations today and couldnt find anyone from other demiminations confirmed eiuther - is that why they werent named at the media conference?
This is going to be a VERY unpleasant experience for Brian Tamariki and the Density Church.
His "product life cycle" has reached its zenith and it will be all downhill from here.
Rely on Gordon Copeland to collapse his own cause, and that of any who choose to join him.
By now Copeland could have been dropped already - if there was a body of governance capable of doing this.
So what do we make of this party? Who is in charge?
Sorry to resort to internet slang, but I think it justified: this is an epic failure.
Copeland may have a legal right to stay in Parliament (probably why he is still there), but he has no moral right to stay there. He was elected because he was on his party's list. He left the party, therefore he has no right to that seat. His party does, and it has a right to choose who resides in that seat, hence a party list. A true man of Christian integrity and morality should know this. But, obviously in the eyes of Copeland, etc, morals are only about child smacking and gay bashing
Other question...is this a real composite fundamentalist party, or is it intended to flake back into its constituent elements once it had been returned to Parliament as a single entity? Because that is exactly what Christian Coalition I was intended for.
Will Christian Coalition II: The
Blob be any different at all to this?
Craig Y
In a parallel universe you would have made an excellent Jesuit :)
After the displeasure of reading that the Black Caps lost this morning, the smile returned to my face with the Pope Tamaki farce. That Copeland couldn't organise the proverbial in a brewery.
Ban strange sect marriages now!!!'
Craig Y
Actually pablo its destiny who couldnt organise the proverbal in a brewery, judging by their latest press outing....
Now THAT was one of the funniest posts Known To Man.
Loves it!!
On a lighter note, Concerned Women for America is complaining about a gay Folsom Street Fair display parodying the Last Supper and involving sex toys.
CWA's media spokesperson is a bloke.
Craig Y
Yes indeed. That poster has occasioned much Christian butthurt (pun intended) at TBR.cc.
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