Three Lectures by Hans Bethe; in which a theoretical physicist talks to old folks about quantum physics.
The Web 2.0 Bubble "A semiliterate, dissociative, generationally correct vagueness permeates everything."
Green Food Meat is murdering the planet.
The joy of drinking: "She tells us that even the National Institutes of Health admits that what it calls 'alcohol readministration' alleviates the symptoms of both alcohol withdrawal and hangovers..."
Percy Grainger and Sadomasochism Barking mad
h2g2 The legacy of Douglas Adams
The Omnivore's dilemma "Wealth, abundance and the lack of a steadying, centuries-old food culture have conspired to make us Americans dysfunctional eaters, obsessed with getting thin while becoming ever more fat, lurching from one specious bit of dietary wisdom (margarine is better for you than butter) to another (carbs kill)."
Freethinking Ruins All Things The views contained in this essay are not necessarily those of the Fundy Post.
Rock's backpages Come on, read the noise.
Global warming, genies and torture Ponzi schemes as well.
Here's Belle and Sebastian:
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