Scientology, recognised in New Zealand as a religion, recognised in Belgium as a criminal organisation.
Educational charity which gave secret help to National during the last General Election whines about the Electoral Finance Bill.
British Columbia seeks second opinion on prosecuting the polygamists of Bountiful.
Another evangelical politician dies.
Perth man says "we should be like New Zealand."
Fundies leave United Future; leader relieved.
Canadian Anglicans investigate Greville Collegepriest.
Keith don't go to Toronto: Mennonite takes his children to Ontario for schooling.
Ontario Tory leader John Tory (yes, really) gets in tangle over teaching creationism.
Fundy Post auteur described as hipster postmodern atheist flaneur.
With thanks to Craig and Patrick
Is the Maxim Institute an educational charity. I always thought that they styled themselves as an independent think-tank. The reality on the other hand is that independent think-tanks (with significant funding) is a right-wing lobby group.
Clearly they feel the new electoral leglislation will cramp their style, but I thought that the whole purpose of the legislation was to deal to outfits like Maxim and the Exclusive Brethrens.
In other words, if Maxim Institute is objecting - best news I have heard all week. I found the reports on them in "The Hollow Men" very very scary.
Maxim was created out of the NZ Education Development Foundation, an overtly Christian educational charity. It retained the charitable status of its predecessor, although its work on educational matters has been slight.
Enough about Maxim. The real scoop is that the lady in question, reading tomorrow's paper today, is sitting on a train in Stockholm's tunnelbanan (subway).
I'd recognise the scratched windows and ugly seat covers anywhere...
Rob, thank you; the location has been bothering me since I found the photo.
Having not lived in Stockholme, this might be in idiot question, but why is she reading the Metro, in English, in Sweden?
Please institue a withdrawn idiot comment facility as soon as possible!
Is the Metro a London newspaper?
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