Monday, April 26, 2010

Lest we forget

Am I alone in thinking that the deaths of three men for the sake of a parade is an appalling waste of life?


che tibby said...

causation and correlation.

the accident could have happened any time.

the real tragedy is how much these deaths are being milked to sell press.

Weekend_Viking said...

It will be interesting to see just how the investigation plays out. Given that the Iroquois machines concerned were the ones my uncle was among the crew who went to train on and bring from Texas back in the early sixties, and he's what, 83 0r 84 now, I'm not going to be surprised if the age of the machines is a factor.

Although I suspect it's probably more due to the old helicopter problem of 'I flew up the wrong valley in clouds, and it climbed faster than I could.'

Thomas Beagle said...

One could make the argument that military people dying senselessly on ANZAC Day is strangely appropriate...

But seriously, blaming this crash on ANZAC Day is just silly. They weren't doing anything particularly risky, and statistically it's just one of those things.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how the waste is any more appalling than say, 3 people dying in a car crash on the way to get some pies.