Rape educators want to train New Zealand's bar staff to intervene when they see "predatory males" plying women with drinks during the Rugby World Cup.Surely it would be easier just to confine the rugby teams to their hotels. But at least something is being done: the people who serve drinks at happy hour, who serve alcopops and shots which get people drunk fast, who offer free entry to women on Ladies' Night, are being asked to look out for predators...
Rape Prevention Education (formerly Rape Crisis) has teamed up with the police, Accident Compensation Corporation and the hospitality industry to train 130 bar staff in Auckland and Wellington in a pilot programme this year.
Director Kim McGregor said she hoped the other agencies would help to extend the programme nationally in the lead-up to the World Cup, which kicks off in September 2011.
Am I the only one who sees a conflict of interest here?
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